Trail - Holy Trinity Parish » Trail - Holy Trinity Parish

Trail - Holy Trinity Parish

Pastor: Fr. Xaviour Mulakkampilli Chakku, CMI
2012 – 3rd Avenue
Trail, BC V1R 1R7 
Phone: 250-368-6677
Parish Email: [email protected]
Website: TBA

Mass Times:  
Saturday 5:00 pm ; Sunday 9:30 am 
Tuesday - Friday:  9:00 am 


1st Friday: 9:30am - 10:30am or by appointment

Care Home Schedules and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
1st Friday of the month - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:30am - 10:30am
1st Thursday of the month - 11:00am Mass at Chateau Manor 
1st Wednesday of the month - 11:00am Mass at Poplar Ridge Care Home
3rd Wednesday of the month - 10:30am Mass at Rosewood Village
4th Thursday of the month - 11:00am Mass at Columbia View Lodge 

Key Contacts:

Office of Catechesis:  Elizabeth Stephens (250-368-6677), Email
Youth Ministry: TBA
Office Secretary: Marianne Hubbard (250-368-6677), Email
Parish Council Chair: Gary LeRose (250-368-6677)
Parish Finance Chair: Rick Georgetti (250-368-8265)
Knight of Columbus Grand Knight: Dennis Bedin (250-367-7187)
Liturgical Committee Chair: Teresa Mandoli (250-368-6677)
Development and Peace Parish Representative: Maureen Wiley (250-368-6677)
Catholic Women's League Acting President: Sandra Stajduhar (250-368-6677)
Head of Children's Liturgy: Evelyn Bedin (250-368-6677)
RCIA Team Leaders: Tammy Fox (250-368-6677)
                                   Elizabeth Stephens (250-512-8021)